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History Reinterpreted

Patrick Ahearn, Steven Colclough, History Reinterpreted

Architect Patrick Ahearn releases second published work.

In his newest book, History Reinterpreted, renowned architect Patrick Ahearn 以一个发生在马萨诸塞州南岸的转变故事吸引了读者. 重新想象1871年迈尔斯斯坦迪什酒店的北翼作为一个宏伟的海滨庄园在达克斯伯里, Massachusetts, Ahearn writes a new chapter for the property, thoughtfully composed to embrace contemporary living, while capturing the essence of its rich history. 该项目是Ahearn和建筑商Steven Colclough的合作成果 Colclough Construction他们联手打造了一个充满活力、充满历史气息的沿海地产. 

Patrick Ahearn, Steven Colclough, History ReinterpretedUpon initial encounters with the Myles Standish Hotel, one could hardly fathom its former glory, Ahearn explains. The main entrances faced the back of the property, 这是19世纪游客乘船抵达时遗留下来的遗迹. Complicating matters, 1908年,一场毁灭性的大火导致度假村的中心部分被拆除, making exact restoration impossible. 因此,为庄园开辟新道路的机会出现了, 而现在的房主要求Ahearn将其重新构想为一个功能长期的住宅,其灵感来自于曾经的东西.

To help carry out his ultimate vision, 埃亨毫不犹豫地推荐科尔克拉夫建筑公司担任这项工作, 他们的工艺堪称典范,对历史先例也很敏感. To support proposed renovations, Colclough的团队的任务是提升原始结构,为当代混凝土基础创造空间, and then carefully repositioning it in place. To that end, 每一面墙和整个屋顶系统都进行了彻底的检修, leaving no aspect untouched, 为了保证该物业在未来几年的结构完整性. “我们的目标是确保执行完全符合其意图,” says Colclough, 谁还带头复制了原来的烟囱, and restoring an original barrel dormer in the attic.

“Whenever one of Patrick’s projects is completed, it looks like we were never there, 好像一切都是按照他的设想来的.” - Steven Colclough

Ahearn对正立面的建议旨在恢复其以前的宏伟. 一条带有鹅卵石边界的甬道将游客引向主入口, 让人想起19世纪晚期宏伟的乡村庄园. The addition of a covered front porch, 中央前门两侧有侧灯和横窗, reestablishes symmetry in design. With cedar roof shingles, white siding, Essex green shutters with traditional holdbacks, and copper coach lights accenting the composition, the revived exterior illustrates timeless architecture. The integration of historical elements, such as a sizable stone wall, further enhances the arrival sequence, 给人的印象是一个经受住了时间考验的客栈.

Patrick Ahearn, Steven Colclough, History Reinterpreted“As always, 我的目标是捕捉这个地方的历史,并创造一个可信的建筑执行,这可能是在近150年前构思出来的.” - Patrick Ahearn

在房产的后部,一个广阔的户外生活空间蓬勃发展. A covered porch, along with a screened porch, outdoor grill and dining area, pool, and fireplace, 邀请居民和客人细细品味的网站的自然壮丽. 窗户和法式门的战略位置提供了无缝的室内外整合, creating captivating views from various vantage points. The carriage house, 现在变成了一个多功能的空间,也可以作为一个小屋, 船形墙壁和横梁天花板散发着轻松的氛围.

Patrick Ahearn, Steven Colclough, History ReinterpretedThe interior layout underwent a complete transformation, 从酒店以前的功能中消除了大量的独立房间, 中央脊柱的引入促进了流动,同时最大化了水景. Ahearn重新设计了门厅,使其适合海滨别墅,并增加了一个明亮的前厅, and architecturally detailed walls and ceilings. Stepping into this space, 人们的目光会立即被餐厅和法式门外令人惊叹的海湾景色所吸引. 在《彩票365官方网站》的详细页面中,您可以更深入地了解住宅的复兴, 这个故事讲述了重新构想历史建筑的可能性. 埃亨巧妙地将新旧结合在一起,这既是一项鼓舞人心的成就,也是一个不容错过的故事.



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